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receive uto six months‘ pay
可获最多六个月薪金作遣散赔偿  detail>>
six months
个月  detail>>
between six months and a year
少则半载  detail>>
for six months of the year
全年的六个月  detail>>
in the last six months
在最近六个月内  detail>>
no only six months
只呆六个月  detail>>
one year, six months
一年零六个月  detail>>
only six months
只有六个月  detail>>
six months later
六个月以后  detail>>
six months vote
六月法投票表决  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
about six months before the fire
那场火灾发生前的六个月  detail>>
receive full pay
工资照发  detail>>
exact date due after six months
六个月后到期  detail>>
for months
好几个月以来  detail>>
数月 月份 月数  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
be uto
该由…负责;胜任 胜任,能做 由...做某事 正在做 做某事  detail>>